Our household is full of all kinds of technology we employ in our day to day lives. It’s never been a better time to live with a disability. There may be downsides to our fast paced technology driven information age, but our technologies have enriched and lengthened the lives of many disabled. I have a bird’s eye view as a disabled, middle aged chickadee. Although my father passed back in 1993, he was a geek, an engineer and a creative man.
He started very young himself….
…and he started everyone out young. This was taken in the late 80’s with my friend’s young boy.
I worked for over 20 years in a pretty geeky software development environment. My husband is a super-geek and technology guru – he never met my father, but I’m afraid if he had met him he’d still be tinkering in the basement with him and we might not be married!
My destiny is sealed to geekdom.
I guess one would expect my family’s daily life is filled with technogeeky things – and you are correct. If you don’t have any technical experience – get your kids or a young neighbor to help, or go to some training at your local college continuing education center, take online classes or read, read, read on the internet, watch youtube tutorials…the options are endless.
Take online classes if it is too inconvenient or difficult to go out. Some basic technical expertise is a must in today’s world. Don’t stop though…things advance so fast we have to stay current if we want to maximize the benefits technology offer today. Don’t be shy about online communications and learning. Your family’s future depends on it.
Cheering you on to geekdom… -Madge