Hi everyone! Below are some “firsts” and an introduction to my new sweet “Twix”.
A big shout out of thanks to Canine Assistants, a fabulous organization that brings joy and life to many individuals and families!
During our week of camp ten of us who all had previous Canine Assistants were individually paired with several dogs. It’s amazing how the dogs “pick” their recipient!
Below: Twix and I meet on Monday, the first day of camp. Our class was all second and third time service dog recipients.
Tuesday all the recipients were matched with their dog! We traveled to our hotels or our homes together for the first time!
Class continued through Saturday. Outings to restaurants and shopping areas acclimated us to each other.
Our first family photo together!
Our first Saturday frolicking in the backyard – after class it was a great stress reliever! Doesn’t he look happy?
On our first Sunday together we went to Costco and Brent gave me this box of candy lest we forget his name! Twix came from the “Candy-themed” litter!
And then on Monday we went for a long walk in the cold weather, played in the backyard, then I fell out of my chair and broke my legs! It’s put a damper on some of our learning together but strengthened our bond and relationship.