It is time for a puppy fix. Hot summer days require refreshing water nearby. June is our neighbor’s precious golden retriever pup.
This is one of Canine Assistants’ puppies. I imagine Tahoe looked much like this pup…wish we had early photos of him.
Pirelli was born at Canine Assistants without a foot and is now 11Alive’s morning mascot. Certainly Tahoe was this cute as an older pup. Wish I had pictures of him at this age.
Tahoe meets neighbor ‘June Bug’ for the first time. He loves other pups…as long as they don’t interfere with his meals or play time. After all, he’s the one who gets to go everywhere.
Tahoe loves children and helps them overcome canine fears.

puppy post with davis girls
…and he loves more darling little visitors.
Hooper, a friend’s golden doodle, recently stayed with us for several days and decided to dominate and take over the bed. He’s a snuggler and almost makes Tahoe jealous.
Zeek, a neighbor’s German Shepherd, loves Brent’s attention when he comes to the Williams hotel. Yes, Tahoe is patient with company and his dog whispering dad.
Our nieces visited for a week and when we were waiting for their departing flight Tahoe was sad and needed comfort. See how he suffers.
Leah gives love as she says good-bye. She has a special bond with Tahoe.
Now that all the company is gone, at least for a few days, Tahoe just wants to go inside…run to the backyard…
…. play some Kong
…and happily go to bed with mom and dad and no visiting dogs, kids, friends or cousins.
Happy dog days from our house to yours. -Madge